Pennies From Heaven


Hello dear Ones!

How was your week this past week?  I hope it was good, and filled with happiness and good health!  Prices continue to rise—food prices are what everyone has noticed, but we have had our car insurance, house insurance, pest control, and many other things also raise to higher amounts as I see those bills come in.  This is the time for us to listen to the advice given in Proverbs 6:6-9 where it says “Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones. Learn from their ways and become wise! Though they have no prince or governor or ruler to make them work, they labor hard all summer, gathering food for the winter. But you, lazybones, how long will you sleep? When will you wake up?” (New Living Translation). How do you like that?  The Bible calls those who do not work and labor at the proper time for doing so “lazybones!”  I chuckle at that word choice in the New Living Translation, but it does get the point across, doesn’t it? :) 

We all go through different stages of our lives, it doesn’t matter if you are single or married with a little flock of children around your skirts!  There will ALWAYS be something that is easy for you to do during that time of your life, and other things that are difficult.  So instead of using this as an excuse to do nothing to better our circumstances, should we not take the abilities and opportunities that God has given to us and do what we can?  And then depend on God to make up for our lack?  I have a dear friend who is single and has no children.  I have been helping her clean and organize, and was struck by a comment she made to me that it was “easier” for me to keep my house clean because I had a family.  Whereas she, being single, did not have motivation to keep her place tidy and picked up on a day to day basis.  I thought about this for a while, and while I do see her point—and there IS some validity to it—the next time I saw her I shared the thought I had that while that was true in a certain way, on the other hand she had no one else to mess up her place! She could much more easily keep a clean and tidy home with no children or husband coming in and bringing a mess or moving things out of place and not returning them.  See?  It is a matter of perspective.  It can be easy for the grass to always be greener on the other side of the fence!  But we need to ask ourselves “What is in our hand?” And then do what God shows you that you CAN do.  Don’t look at all that you can’t.  But do you have a sink full of dirty dishes?  Maybe you cannot clean your whole home, but can you wash the sink full of dishes?  Or perhaps you do not have a large income to pad your bank account, but can you eat at home and therefore save monies you would have spent eating out?  What are we doing with the opportunities God has given to us?

O.K., enough of my rambling thoughts!  This past week I did several things to save my pennies:

1) I helped a friend clean and organize a portion of her home (mentioned above), and she paid me for helping.  We are close enough friends that I do not feel comfortable charging her a hourly rate, but after enough playful arguing back and forth, we agreed that I would accept any contributions she wanted to make towards education for our family. I am committed to helping her regardless, paid or unpaid, but she knows the income is a blessing to my family, and so when she has a bit and chooses to contribute, I gratefully accept it.

2) I paid a school bill by the semester, and received a discount for doing so.  Every little bit helps!

3) I worked a half a day for a local school, and was paid for doing so.  I am called in several times a year for this job,  and enjoy both the work as well as the co-workers. It may not be frequent, but I add it to my savings.

4) My hubby sold a piece of furniture we no longer needed to a work mate of his. I mentioned last week I was cleaning out the basement—this had been sitting down there for years.  I decided better someone be getting some use from it than it just hanging out in the basement, taking up room.  We are now enjoying the new space in the basement, and that was $50 added to our bank account.

5) All meals were made at home.  Eating out is so expensive these days!  There was one exception, and that is the next item listed!

6) I enjoyed a meal out with co workers—paid for by my sweet boss!  I have a small part time job, with the sweetest boss in the world, and she took the team out and treated all of us at a yummy restaurant near by.  The food was delicious, and the team laughed and laughed as we caught each other up on what had been going on with each one of us.  A couple have gotten more permanent jobs, so sadly will not be working with us any longer but they will always be part of our hearts and prayers!  It was so nice to hear about their new jobs, and the blessings they were finding in their new employment! 

Well, that was my list from last week!  What did you do to save your pennies?  I would love to hear about it!

Until next time!

