Am I a Whisperer?


Good morning dear Ones!

My scripture verse for this week left me a bit bewildered at first. I was sure how it “fit”in with the rest of this years memory verses. But as I thought about it over the past week, I began to see more and more the wisdom contained in it. Have you been wronged by someone? I suspect everybody has, at one time or another. And while we may not be able to help what happened to us—we do have the choice of how we react to that wrong. This doesn’t make the wrong “right.” But it is God’s place to pass judgement, not ours. But what are we contributing with our reaction? It’s ok to not agree with or like someone’s behavior. But it is also important to remember that the person who wronged us is also God’s precious son or daughter, whom He gave His Son Jesus to die for. So how am I reacting? Am I “letting the fire go out” so to speak, or am I keeping it burning by throwing more fuel onto it? If I am, then I am just as big a part of the problem! 

I pray for God to help me release those who have wronged me into His hands. To let Him deal with them. To stop whisperering, and to let the fire go out.

Until next time, 



  1. Yes, I have had that happen. Had someone who changed drastically all of a sudden and lashed out at me in horrible ways and with such words. I just tried really hard to keep my mouth shut and be cautious. It drove them crazy - but finally avoidance worked, and they had no fuel to continue on.
    Not sure what happened, but figure an illness, or just snapped. Could have started drinking again as well - just don't know - but they really changed quickly. All I could do was pray for them and me (for safety).


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