Pennies From Heaven

 Hello Dear Ones!

How was last week for you?  Did you find any special bargains or good deals?  It’s ok if you didn’t, as I truly believe the most benefit comes from small, economical habits repeated time and time again! I did have one great deal I found, but that was it—everything else I did was normal, regular, day to day habits. So on to my list:

1) I was able to purchase a watercolor notebook for seventeen cents. No, it wasn’t on clearance or at a garage sale—though I would have certainly snapped it up if it were, mind you! But Michael’s Craft store had sent me a $10 off a $10 purchase coupon—I believe as a result of their store reward program.  Truly I do not do that much shopping at any craft store, so it has been a long time since I had a coupon like this sent to me, but since I had it I combined a trip to Michael’s with another errand I needed to do in the same direction.  And this is the item I chose to purchase with my coupon—I wanted something as close to $10 as possible, to use my coupon and not owe very much over and above. I think it came out pretty good, and am delighted to have the new pad of paper!

2) I hung laundry to dry in our basement instead of using our dryer. One of those day to day activities I mentioned earlier.  I am happy we have a dryer for when we really need to dry laundry quickly, but we have saved so much over the past couple of years since we have started to hang laundry to dry.

3) I attended a baby shower and brought for the new mother-to-be a baby afghan that I crocheted for her new little one.  I enjoyed the craft of the creation of the afghan, and then was able to enjoy gifting it to a special first time mother. 

4) I accepted a cleaning job.  This actually gave me two jobs—the first one was cleaning the apartment and getting it ready for a guest that was coming to stay the next night, and the second job was to clean it after the guest had stayed for the weekend.  I do not have a regular all-the-time job, but I think of it sort of like gleaning a field.  When there is work, and I am able, I accept it. The above picture shows a wall in the kitchen of the apartment I cleaned.  It was decorated with kitchen gadgets hung on nails surrounded by picture frames.  I thought it was a cute idea.  The gadgets, by the way, could still be taken off of the nails and used if need be and returned to the wall.  Not sure I would do that on a day to day basis, but in a pinch I sure would! 

5) I asked a friend to help tutor me when I was stuck on something in the free class I am taking.  Happily, this is an area she is quite proficient in, and she is sweet and has offered multiple times to help me.  When I thanked her again for her help, just today, her reply was that I was worth the investment. I thank God for a friend like this! And I try and help her out as well, whenever there is a need that I can assist with. Aren’t we blessed that God gave us friends? It reminds me that we have a Friend that sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24). 

Well that is my list from last week, though there are many other things I could have written down—such as making and eating all meals at home, etc. It is good to remind ourselves that sometimes we are saving on all the time—just by our daily habits of economy. Did you keep a list from last week? I would love to hear what you were up to!

Until next time—


