Blessed be the Name of God
Hello Dear Ones!
In the New Year, I am trying to get back into the habit of doing a weekly Scripture Writing and sharing it with you. I had been doing pretty well until the holidays came—but that is just fine. Any Scripture Writing is better than no Scripture Writing—in my opinion. So while I most likely will not get all weeks done, I will be happy and blessed with whatever amount I do accomplish and I hope my sharing it with you blesses you as well.
This week’s verse is taken from the book of Daniel—and it is part of a praise Daniel gave to God after God revealed what the king’s dream was to Daniel. An impossible task—knowing what anyone had dreamed, let alone the king himself. But Daniel served the “God of Impossibilities.” After all, what is impossible with man is possible with God (Luke 18:27).
Do you ever face impossible things in your life? A boss who is difficult to work with, a family member who won’t change their mind, a paycheck that is smaller than the mounting pile of bills? Decisions that have to be made in spite of the fact that we don’t have enough information to make that decision? Health that is failing in spite of everything we do to try and turn it around? I think all of us face impossibilities. Things that we truly do not have the resources to meet. Where are you turning in these times, dear One? No—God is not a giant gum-ball machine, where you put your prayer in and out pops the exact answer you wanted. There is another story in the same book of Daniel that illustrates this well. Remember Daniel’s three friends? The ones who were facing the impossible fiery furnace? Coming out of that thing alive, now THAT was certainly an impossibility! Do you remember what they said to the king before he cast them into the furnace? “. . . Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But if not, be it known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.” Daniel 3:17-18.
But if not. God WAS able. But they did not at that point know what God would choose to do. Are YOU willing to accept God’s decision? Am I?
As we head further into the brand new year, remember the source of your power. Remember the source of all wisdom and might. Remember to bless the name of God no matter your present circumstances. There is no other source of true wisdom or power or might.
Until next time—
To God - give all things and trust in His answers.